Our Clients

Since our founding in late 2006, we’ve worked with hundreds of influential organizations fighting for progressive social change on the leading issues of the day. Our clients have included, among others:

Civil Rights and Racial Justice

  • Advancement Project
  • Californians for Justice
  • ColorOfChange.org*
  • National Council of La Raza
  • NY Communities for Change
  • Texas Civil Rights Project
  • Voices for Racial Justice
  • Voto Latino

Democracy and Legal Reform

  • American Constitution Society
  • Brennan Center for Justice
  • California Calls*
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • Equal Justice Works
  • Issue One / Fund for the Republic
  • Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation
  • Namati
  • Neighborhood Defender Service—Detroit


  • Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • Center for the Study of Social Policy
  • Center for Enterprise Development (CFED)
  • Children’s Law Center
  • The Commonwealth Institute
  • Georgia Budget and Policy Institute
  • Martha’s Table
  • Massachusetts Budget and Policy Project
  • Mission Asset Fund
  • National Employment Law Project
  • New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice
  • People’s Action
  • Policy Matters Ohio
  • Washington Center for Equitable Growth
  • Washington State Budget and Policy Center


  • 50CAN
  • Achieve
  • Achievement First
  • Achievement Network
  • Blue Engine
  • Boys’ Club of New York
  • Braven
  • The Broad Center
  • Capital City Public Charter School
  • Charter Board Partners
  • Citizens of the World Charter Schools
  • City Year (multiple affiliates)
  • College Track
  • ConnCAN
  • D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
  • D.C. Public Schools
  • Education Forward DC
  • Education Pioneers
  • Explore Schools
  • Harlem Children’s Zone
  • Hiawatha Academies
  • Indianapolis Public Schools
  • Ingenuity Prep
  • Innovate Schools
  • KIPP (several affiliates)
  • KIPP Foundation
  • Leadership for Educational Equity
  • Moonshot edVentures
  • National Education Association
  • NYC Department of Education
  • Oakland Public Education Fund
  • PIE Network
  • Public Square Partnership
  • Stand for Children
  • STRIVE Prep
  • Teach For America (multiple affiliates)
  • Tulsa Public Schools
  • Unlocking Potential (UP Education Network)
  • Year Up


  • 350.org
  • Alaska League of Conservation Voters
  • California League of Conservation Voters
  • City of Seattle—Office of Sustainability & Environment
  • Climate Action Campaign
  • Climate Parents
  • Climate Truth
  • Conservation Colorado
  • Energy Action Coalition
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • Friends of the Earth
  • Greenpeace
  • Groundswell
  • League of Conservation Voters
  • Sierra Club
  • Washington Conservation Voters


  • American Jewish World Service
  • Bend the Arc
  • Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good*
  • Communities Creating Opportunity
  • Faith in Public Life
  • Jews United for Justice
  • NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
  • PICO National Network

Foreign Policy/National Security

  • Center for National Policy/Truman National Security Project
  • Crisis Action
  • Hunt Alternatives Fund
  • J Street
  • National Security Network

Gun Violence

  • Everytown for Gun Safety

Health Care

  • California Center for Public Health Advocacy
  • Enroll America
  • Families USA
  • National Health Law Program
  • Young Invincibles


  • America’s Voice
  • American Immigration Council
  • American Immigration Lawyers Association
  • California Immigrant Policy Center
  • Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles
  • Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
  • Detention Watch Network
  • Florida Immigrant Coalition
  • Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
  • Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy
  • National Immigration Law Center
  • Nebraska Appleseed
  • New York Immigration Coalition
  • OneAmerica
  • Promise Arizona
  • South Carolina Appleseed
  • Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
  • Own the Dream
  • United We Dream
  • Welcoming America


  • Center for Working Families
  • SEIU and multiple locals

LGBT Equality

  • Equality Federation
  • Equality Florida
  • GetEQUAL
  • Gill Action Fund*
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • National LGBTQ Task Force
  • One Colorado
  • Victory Fund


  • American Independent News Network
  • Free Press
  • Media Matters for America

Organizing (Multi-Issue)

  • American Friends Service Committee
  • Avaaz
  • Bus Federation
  • Center for Community Change
  • Center for Popular Democracy
  • Center for Rural Affairs
  • Change.org*
  • Chicago Votes
  • Michigan United
  • Minkwon Center
  • MoveOn*
  • National Korean American Service and Education Consortium
  • New Era Colorado
  • New Florida Majority*
  • OPEN
  • Progress Now Colorado*
  • Progressive Change Campaign Committee*
  • Purpose*
  • Resource Generation
  • SumofUs
  • Sunflower Community Action
  • United Farm Works Foundation
  • USAction

Progressive Infrastructure

  • America Votes*
  • Analyst Institute*
  • Association of State Democratic Chairs*
  • Ballot Initiative Strategy Center
  • Blueprint North Carolina
  • Campus Progress
  • Center for American Progress
  • Center for Progressive Leadership
  • Citizen Engagement Laboratory
  • Committee on States*
  • Democracy Alliance*
  • Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC)*
  • Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC)*
  • Demos
  • EMILY’s List
  • Exponent Philanthropy
  • GetUp! Australia
  • Leadership Center for the Common Good
  • New Leaders Council
  • Obama for America*
  • Ohio Democratic Party*
  • Organizing for Action*
  • People for the American Way
  • ProGeorgia
  • ProgressNow
  • Progress Virginia Education Fund
  • Rock the Vote
  • Roosevelt Institute
  • State Innovation Exchange (SiX)
  • State Voices (multiple affiliates)
  • Swing Left*
  • TakeAction Minnesota
  • Tipping Point Foundation
  • Voter Participation Center
  • We Are Wisconsin*
  • re:power*
  • Wisconsin Voices
  • Young Democrats of America*
  • Young People For

Sentencing Reform/Drug Policy

  • Drug Policy Alliance
  • Essie Justice Group
  • Families Against Mandatory Minimums
  • Marijuana Policy Project


  • Code 2040

Women’s Rights

  • NY Women’s Foundation
  • Planned Parenthood (and multiple affiliates)
  • UltraViolet

Coaching clients are in regular type.In-house training clients are in italics.

* We serve non-501(c)(3) organizations through our sister organization, The Management Action Center.