
Jakada Imani

Jakada Imani (he/him/his) – Chief Executive Officer

Jakada is a spiritually-rooted coach and trainer with more than 30 years of experience working in racial, social, and economic justice movements. Prior to stepping into the CEO role, Jakada was a senior coach and leadership team member at The Management Center, where he supported clients including Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight and the California Immigrant Policy Center. He previously served for six years as Executive Director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, taking over from the center's founder, Van Jones. In his 13 years there, he served as the lead strategist for some of the organization's most high-profile campaigns and was a lead team member in the successful efforts to stop the construction of one of the nation's largest juvenile halls—an enormous "Super Jail for Kids." He also led two successful statewide ballot measure campaigns (No on Prop 6 in 2008 and No on Prop 23 in 2010). Over the last three decades, Jakada has worked on a range of issues, including racial and economic justice, workers' rights, tenant organizing, and green jobs. In 2013, he received a ChangeMaker Fellowship from Pacific School of Religion, where he served for two years leading a center for spiritual and social transformation. He is blessed to share his life with his partner Laura, and their blended family of 6 powerful and creative children.


Jessica Anderson (she/her/hers) – Managing Partner, Trainer

Jessica is passionate about building power and opportunity for young people and their families. She started her career as a youth developer in shelter, group home, and transitional housing spaces in San Francisco. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Criminology from the University of Florida and later moved to Atlanta, Georgia to pursue a Master of Public Administration in Nonprofit Management at Georgia State University. While in Atlanta, Jessica led special projects for hundreds of children and mothers experiencing homelessness in the Atlanta Mission network. Jessica then joined The Young Women's Project in DC as the Health Justice Director where she tripled the program size and impact to build the leadership and power of more than 300 teens in 24 DC Public and Public Charter High Schools. Jessica lives in Hyattsville, Maryland but she is a frequent flyer to her hometown of Fort Lauderdale, Florida where she enjoys Publix Subs and warm beaches.

Jamilyn Bailey

Jamilyn Bailey (she/her/hers) – Partner, Trainer

Jamilyn is driven by justice, community, and the power of education. Before coming to TMC, Jamilyn led KIPP Through College’s national effort to increase college completion as the Director of Program Development and Training. In her role, she strengthened regional leaders and staff through training, professional development, and program design. Prior to that, she served as Program Director for The Posse Foundation, Inc., a national college access and leadership development program that provides full-tuition scholarships and support for urban public school students so that they can graduate from top colleges and become leaders in the workforce. When she’s not training with The Management Center, she’s busy translating her management experience to the world of hospitality as a consultant for a local Orlando restaurant. Jamilyn earned a B.S. in Public Relations from the University of Florida and a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Arizona State University. In her spare time, she enjoys building connections and ritual through community dinners, traveling, live music, and yoga.

Adriana Barboza (she/her/hers) – Partner, Trainer

Adriana Barboza热衷于社会正义、种族和性别平等,并通过组织、培训和卓越的管理来建立权力。她最近担任Re:Power(前Wellstone)的项目战略和合作副总裁。她在社区组织、培训和为选举和民主领域的团体提供技术支持方面有超过18年的经验。阿德里亚娜为争取司法独立、扩大民主、保护投票权和重新划分选区的前线团体提供了技术援助。阿德里亚娜还为领先的公民参与组织和联盟提供战略支持,设计和提供基于伙伴关系的培训和项目。阿德里亚娜出生在墨西哥哈利斯科,在芝加哥南部长大。她拥有德保罗大学的法学学位和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的学士学位。当她不在路上的时候,她喜欢计划她的下一次旅行,和她时尚又上镜的狗狗皮克特共度美好时光。


Kevin Carty-Tolentino (he/him/his) – Training Operations Manager

Kevin Carty-Tolentino is passionate about progressive policy change and supporting the hard-working people who help to make that change happen. A 2015 graduate of Brown University, Kevin worked as a policy researcher and journalist before coming to The Management Center. He has reported on telecom and internet policy at the Federal Communications Commission, chased down legislators to grab quotes at the Capitol, and covered antitrust issues and policy at the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission. His writing has been published in The Atlantic, The New York Post, Slate, and Washington Monthly, among other publications. Outside of work, Kevin likes to occupy his time by biking, canning, and cooking elaborate meals for his wife Claire.

Diana Cerda (she/her/hers) – Finance Director

Diana is a Virginia Tech graduate with a double major in International Studies and Spanish. While at Virginia Tech, Diana was heavily involved with Tech DREAMers and presented undergraduate research on undocumented students and higher education. Diana was also a part of the College Ambassador Program and the Global Ambassador program, welcoming local and international students to campus and facilitating their transition to student life. Originally from Northern Virginia, Diana currently resides in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, DC. When not exploring her neighborhood, Diana enjoys traveling, trying trendy new classes, and being a self-proclaimed Zumba enthusiast.

Andie Corso

Andie Corso (she/her/hers) – Partner, Trainer

安迪最近担任纽约市教育部(NYC DOE)儿童早期教学与学习副教育主任。安迪的团队负责确保纽约的教师和领导者拥有所需的资源、培训和支持,为6万多名4岁的孩子提供高质量的教学!在此之前,安迪曾担任纽约市能源部教师效率办公室的高级主管,在那里她领导了一个由70多名主管和人才教练组成的团队,他们直接与学校领导和网络员工合作,在纽约市所有学校实施新的教师评估和发展模式。作为该职位的一部分,安迪领导实施了1万名教师、校长和校长助理的教师评估培训,进一步发展了她对领导成人学习的热爱。在她在纽约市能源部工作之前,安迪曾担任10-21岁学生的老师和学校领导。2013年,她入围了纽约市能源部的校长开拓者奖,并获得了哈佛肯尼迪学院的Ellen S. Raphael奖。

Aquiles Damirón

Aquiles Damirón-Alcántara (he/him/his) - Curriculum Designer, Vice President, Trainer

Aquiles痴迷于理解成年人学习的方式、地点和原因。在过去的十年里,他一直在帮助组织想象参与学习的经验,帮助忠诚的员工和志愿者实现战略目标,成为更好的领导者。Aquiles目前在生殖权利中心领导美国项目的过程开发和管理。在加入CRR之前,他曾为民主党总统竞选和政治议题宣传工作,管理数百名志愿者和工作人员,并培训了数千人。他还曾为陈-扎克伯格倡议、竞技场、费城和为儿童代言(Stand for Children)提供咨询,并在联合国人口基金(United Nations Population Fund)的全球培训团队实习。阿奎莱斯拥有弗吉尼亚大学政治学学士学位和哥伦比亚大学成人学习和领导力硕士学位。他住在纽约布鲁克林。

Jackson Darling-Palacios

Jackson Darling-Palacios (he/him/his) – Senior Partner, Progressive Sector Head, Partnerships, and Planning

杰克逊的动力来自于组织人力、资源和思想来促进社会公正。在他的职业生涯中,他花了很多时间与地方和全州范围内从事LGBTQ正义、生殖正义、移民正义等工作的组织建立伙伴关系并培训领导人,以提高他们的能力。在管理中心工作之前,杰克逊在洛杉矶L世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球GBT中心领导实验室(Leadership LAB)管理着一支800多名志愿者和工作人员的团队,以创新深入游说的模式,并在全国范围内推进同性恋和变性人的权利。劳顾会的工作已被证明能减少跨性别恐惧症,并改变人们对多重社会正义问题的看法。杰克逊第一次接触组织和领导能力培养是在南加州,年轻时是一神论者,后来在加州大学伯克利分校继续担任师生诗人,并在多个学生合作组织中当选领袖。He is a proud queer, trans dad living with his family in Inglewood, CA.


Qasim Davis (he/him/his) – Vice President, Trainer

Qasim is imbued with the spirit of justice and equity-driven by love for Black people. He has spent the past 15 years working in the nonprofit sector focused on education, youth organizing, and economic equity. Qasim enjoys developing excellent teams, recruiting committed staff, and forging strategic partnerships with those with a shared community-centered vision, whether serving as the Regional Director of Playworks Louisiana, as Director of Teacher Recruitment with New Schools for New Orleans, or the Director of Partner Growth for Change Machine. Qasim has led organizations, teams, and external partners by leveraging his knowledge in capacity building and organizational infrastructure to deliver creative activism, expand profit growth, and increase program efficiency. Qasim uses his strength as a strategist as a Lead Mentor to local entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders with Propellors Impact Accelerator. Qasim has received several fellowships, including Urban League of Louisiana’s urban leaders for equity and diversity emerging leaders through the Greater New Orleans Foundation, Propeller’s Growth Accelerator, 4.0 schools Essentials, and Tulane University Mellon Program. He has the honor of serving as the Board Chair of a Black Creatives Guide and embraces his inner creative through photography, poetry, and film. Qasim fully adopts being a Blerd, enjoying anime, comics, chess, reading, collecting vinyl, and nerding out on the latest tech. He is a proud third-generation Harlemite residing in New Orleans with his soulmate and partner Tiye.


Valerie Evans (she/her/hers) – Managing Partner, People Operations

Valerie believes that a person’s opportunities should never be limited based on skin color, zip code, bank account, or any other factors that have historically marginalized people in this country. She’s also passionate about recruiting and retaining talented and mission-aligned people into organizations that focus on deep social change. Prior to joining The Management Center, Valerie served as the first Chief Talent Officer at Achievement Prep in Southeast Washington, DC, creating and maintaining systems and structures to support the full life cycle of talent in the organization. Before her time at Achievement Prep, Valerie held several positions in education and non-profit organizations, including Education Pioneers, where she was the National Director of Curriculum Development & Training, as well as the DC Metro Area Program Director. Valerie earned a Bachelors in English from Spelman College and a Masters in Education from UC Berkeley. Valerie lives with her husband and children in Maryland and can be found on a Saturday afternoon reading a good book, reorganizing a drawer/closet, or finding yet another use for a fancy looking container.


Johari Farrar (she/her/hers) – Content Coordinator


Amy Faulring

Amy Faulring(她/她/她的)-搭档,教练

Amy在TMC的工作结合了她对社会正义、领导能力和赢得进步变革的热爱。在加入TMC之前,Amy在MoveOn.org领导草根组织和实地项目近6年。她培训了数千名活动家,帮助组织了数万场实地行动,并指导组织者和管理者获得有效活动所需的结果。她在医疗改革、经济公正和环境政策方面的竞选中发挥了关键作用。艾米还在绿色和平组织工作,她在那里为大学生创立了一个活动家培训项目。她拥有杜克大学(Duke University)社会运动历史学学位和波士顿大学(Boston University)管理学院(School of management)非营利组织管理和领导力证书。当艾米不在TMC的时候,她会和她的两个孩子一起玩,和她的丈夫一起玩无聊的策略游戏,在她的新家乡费城遛她的两条狗,Roxy和Cinco。

Reilly Furellis (she/her/hers) – Partner, Finance and Data

Reilly is passionate about building people-centered databases that leverage technology to give people more time to focus on the things they excel at. Prior to joining TMC, Reilly was a Salesforce consultant managing technical and data projects for organizations working on everything from financial services to prison reform. She holds Salesforce certifications as an Administrator, Sales Cloud Consultant and Non-Profit Cloud Consultant. Reilly has a B.A. in Chinese Language from Washington University in St. Louis and was a 2013-14 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Taiwan. When not nerding out over data, she can be found playing Dungeons & Dragons, riding her bike, or curling up with a good book.

Cosmo Fujiyama Ghaznavi

Cosmo Fujiyama Ghaznavi (she/her/hers) – Partner, Trainer

科斯莫是一名教育工作者和参与促进者,帮助领导人闪耀他们的光,充分瓦特和正义。她的职业生涯始于洪都拉斯,在那里她创办了一个非营利组织,旨在改善青少年接受优质教育的机会。自那时起,她担任宾夕法尼亚大学社会影响战略中心的常务董事,在那里她领导了非营利组织领导人的高管教育项目。她对建立关系和终身学习的热情驱使她与基层组织和大学合作,为青少年和成年人设计学习体验。科斯莫毕业于纽约大学(New York University)的非营利管理硕士学位和威廉玛丽学院(College of William and Mary)的美国研究和女性研究学士学位。她和她的伴侣、儿子以及杰克罗素梗鲁米住在洛杉矶。她的快乐桶里装满了什么?徒步旅行,烹饪日本料理,跟着90年代的果酱跳舞,学习语言。


Ben Goldfarb (he/him/his) – Partner, Coach

Ben is a seasoned nonprofit executive, campaign manager, and community and political organizer, with nearly two decades of experience leading progressive state-based, national, and international organizations and campaigns. As the Executive Director of Wellstone Action, the nation’s leading political capacity-building center for progressive organizers and candidates, Ben transformed its programs to focus on long-term capacity-building partnerships, folded in two other leading progressive leadership organizations, and doubled the annual budget. Ben served as Senior Advisor to the first-ever successful campaign to defeat a state constitutional amendment limiting the freedom to marry in his home state of Minnesota, oversaw GOTV operations for U.S. Senator Al Franken’s 312-vote victory in 2008, was Campaign Manager for U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s first successful election, and was Executive Director of Progressive Minnesota before initiating a merger that resulted in the creation of TakeAction Minnesota. Once upon a time, Ben also co-founded and ran an independent music company, and he’s the proud partner of an amazing teacher and father of a daughter and twin boys.

Marissa Graciosa

Marissa Graciosa (she/her/hers) – Partner, Coach



Wendy Guyton (she/her/hers) – Managing Partner, Client Support

Wendy is a passionate believer in the innate goodness and potential of all individuals and is committed to supporting folks on their journey towards their best selves. With a career heavily rooted in direct service, she spent nearly two decades providing and managing direct service programs for folks living with extremely low incomes. She delights in listening, problem-solving, and providing creative solutions. Wendy has a master’s degree in Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University and a B.A. in Sociology and Women’s Studies from Longwood College. She lives in the DC area with her wife and dog. When she’s not at work, you might find her working in the garden, watching the birds in her backyard, or dreaming about an upcoming camping/hiking adventure.

Nancy Hanks

Nancy Hanks (she/her/hers) – Senior Partner, Education Sector Head

Having gone from a life of poverty on the west side of Chicago to becoming a Harvard graduate, Nancy knows firsthand that students' futures are not predetermined by their personal circumstance. As chief of schools for elementary in the Madison Metropolitan School District, Nancy led her schools to ten-point increases in literacy and mathematics overall. In addition, 17 schools have made at least ten-point gains in literacy five years, and five schools have made over 20 point gains in literacy in the past five years. As a principal in Chicago, Nancy led the transformation of her school and successfully managed adding 90 minutes to the school day, a complex move that improved academic outcomes and created a more well-rounded school day for her students and staff. She’s been recognized on The Root 100 for her work to eliminate the school-to-prison pipeline, as one of Brava Magazine’s Women to Watch, and Madison 365’s Power 100 as one of the most influential Black leaders in Wisconsin. Nancy holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Southern Illinois University and a master’s degree in school leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a devoted daughter, sister, aunt & friend.

Megan Hanson

Megan Hanson (she/her/hers) – Senior Partner, Trainer

梅根在TMC的工作充分利用了她的奉献精神,将影响力最大化,并帮助那些有好想法的人获得好结果。Megan是Street Law, Inc.(一个公民教育组织)的首席项目官,在那里她领导了一系列不同的项目的设计、开发和实施,使人们拥有法律技能和知识,成为自己和他人的倡导者。她在美国各地培训了数百名教师,以改善有关法律、民主和美国宪法的课堂教学。作为法律多元化渠道项目的一部分,她还为财富500强公司和大型律师事务所培训了数百名律师和法律专业人士。她是一所主要高中政府教科书的合著者。梅根拥有人类学和考古学学位,喜欢与丈夫和儿子一起旅行,品尝新食物。

Yamani Yansa Hernandez

Yamani Yansa Hernandez (she/her/hers or they/them/theirs) – Partner, Coach

Yamani is a visionary and transformative leader committed to the balance of rigor and compassion. She is excited to bring her leadership learnings to The Management Center as a progressive sector coach after 25 years of experience in the social sector at neighborhood, city, state, and national levels. Most recently, she was the first Black executive director of the National Network of Abortion Funds, the membership, technical assistance, and advocacy organization for over 80 grassroots organizations funding abortion and building cultural and political power. Over seven years, she built a team and strategy that scaled from 12 to 60 staff, grew the budget from $2M to $20M, and cultivated a values-aligned and embodied community rooted in racial, economic, gender, reproductive justice and the politics of care. Yamani has a B.S. from Cornell University and M.Arch from the University of Washington. She takes tremendous joy in being a plant, dog, and human mom.

Sarah Hodgdon

Sarah Hodgdon (she/her/hers) – Partner, Coach

Sarah Hodgdon作为管理中心的合伙人,在华盛顿特区的都市区工作,拥有近25年的管理经验。世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球最近,作为塞拉俱乐部的国家项目主任,她指导了“超越煤炭运动”、“我们的野生美国运动”以及该组织的第一个公平、正义和包容部的发展和实施。她在加州奥克兰塞拉俱乐部的全国总部工作,管理着一个300多名员工、70多名经理的部门,以及20个单位,包括该组织的律师、华盛顿特区的说客和一个全国性的组织团队。在职业生涯早期,萨拉曾担任总部位于北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔的Dogwood Alliance的执行董事7年,该联盟致力于保护美国南部的森林和社区。她是总部位于波士顿的企业责任组织的副主席和董事会财务主管,也是建立公平和影响协调(BEAI)倡议的创始机构的成员,帮助在环境运动中建立更大的团结。萨拉拥有印第安纳大学(布卢明顿)的比较文学学士学位和环境研究证书,并获得了McKaig优秀学生领导奖。

Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite

Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite (she/her/hers) – Managing Partner, Coach

Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite博士在高等教育领域有超过20年的工作经验。她积极倡导社会正义和精神健康,将其作为边缘化群体的解放策略。霍萨姆-布瑞斯韦特博士在改变大学心理健康机构方面有着良好的记录,以提高为有色人种、LGBTQ学生、低收入学生和第一代学生服务的能力。在加入TMC之前,她在纽约城市大学(CUNY)系统中最大的学院之一领导咨询中心,在那里她带领她的团队加强编程,吸引利益相关者,并减少与利用心理健康服务的26,000名学生相关的污名。她曾是一名大学教授,在培训咨询师时教他们如何从文化能力的角度实践心理健康和职业咨询。西塞莉拥有利哈伊大学心理学学士学位和教育学硕士学位。在福特汉姆大学获得咨询和人事服务专业博士学位,在坦普尔大学获得咨询心理学博士学位。西塞莉和丈夫住在纽约,她热衷于与家人和朋友共度时光,并在社区主导的倡议活动中担任志愿者。


Cindy Kang (she/her/hers) – Senior Partner, Coach

Cindy热衷于支持社会正义领袖建立强大的团队和组织。她本质上是一个组织者,在进步运动中积累了20多年的管理和领导经验。她深信人际关系、种族平等以及组织和有效管理的力量可以改变世界。在管理世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球中心,她担任了多个角色,包括常务董事、进步部门负责人和教练。在加入The Management世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球 Center之前,她曾担任公民参与实验室(Citizen Engagement Lab, CEL)的董事总经理,该实验室是社会变革企业家启动创新项目和初创公司的加速器。Cindy在Green Corps开始了她的职业生涯,并最终担任其执行董事,在那里她培训和指导了数百名组织者,以运行和赢得环保活动,领导了招聘工作,使培训项目的规模扩大了一倍,以及多样化的筹款和合作伙伴关系。辛迪拥有耶鲁大学分子生物学学位,现居加州伯克利。当你不谈论管理的时候,你可以发现她在陶瓷工作室,吃着玉米卷,或者照料她的植物。

Addae Kwakye

Addae Kwakye (they/them/theirs) – Operations Director

Addae is a dynamic leader who is passionate about developing young leaders and uplifting the voices of marginalized communities. Addae began their work as a peer educator in the Connecticut foster care system, working with youth in care to advocate for equitable policies. In college, Addae continued their advocacy work—establishing their university’s first Black Student Union and teaching sexual health on campus. Addae also had the privilege of being featured as a panelist at the White House’s first and only intergenerational LGBT celebration during Pride month. Since moving to the DC metro area, Addae has worked with young people in sexual education and capacity building and hopes to pursue a Master’s in Social Work in the future. When not at work, Addae spends hours cooking Ghanaian cuisine and practicing their green thumb.


José Luis Marantes (he/him/his) – Partner, Trainer

José Luis是一名社区组织者、培训师和社会企业家,他对释放人们的全部潜力和让领导者摆脱困境和完成使命充满热情。作为“团结我们梦想网络”(United We Dream Network)的联合创始人,他帮助建立了内部结构,将一个小型的运动建设初创公司发展成为一个拥有50多个分支机构和数十名员工的全国性组织,领导着争取移民正义的斗争。他与人合作发起了“不驱逐出境教育运动”(Education Not递解出境运动),该运动在2012年为200多万青年移民赢得了暂缓递解出境的行动,并开创了减轻递解出境的新先例。作为佛罗里达州Mi Familia Vota的州主管,他带领60多名员工激励4万名选民去投票。他曾领导PICO网络、社区变化中心和佛罗里达移民联盟的活动和管理团队,并被Ashoka Changemakers选择为新兴创新者,因为他的工作使奥兰多的社区跨越语言差异团结在一起。他拥有佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)的创业硕士学位和卫斯理大学(Wesleyan University)的社会学学士学位。

Stacy McAuliffe

Stacy McAuliffe (she/her/hers) – Managing Partner, Coach

Stacy's work at TMC brings together two passions that have driven her career: creating positive social change and helping organizations and teams perform at their best. Before joining TMC, Stacy was the Chief Operating Officer at the Illinois Network of Charter Schools, where she helped lead the organization through a growth period that doubled the organization's size, established partner political entities, and increased the organization’s capabilities in legislative engagement, data and transparency, and school support. As a Principal at the Boston Consulting Group in Chicago, she led strategy projects with both business and education clients, including districts, charter management organizations, and nonprofits, and served as a member of the organization's Career Development Council. Stacy began her career in Boston, working to increase job growth and small business development in low-income urban areas. She graduated from Princeton University with degrees in Public and International Affairs and African Studies and has an MBA from Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management. She lives in Chicago with her husband Brian and twin daughters, Lila and Elise.


Stephen McClain (he/him/his) - Partner, Education Sector Engagements and Partnerships

Dr. Stephen McClain has devoted his entire career to improving educational outcomes in underserved communities. Most recently, Stephen served as Chief of Schools at a Chicago charter school network, supporting fourteen campuses and leading innovation, community engagement, and policy teams. Previously, Stephen was a Principal and Assistant Principal in Chicago Public Schools, elevating each school to Level 1 or Level 1+ with impressive student academic growth and substantial improvement in attainment. Dr. McClain started his career teaching middle grades reading in the KIPP Chicago network. Stephen earned a B.A in Elementary Education from Michigan State University, Ed. M in Teaching and Curriculum from Harvard Graduate School of Education, and an Ed.D in Urban School Leadership from the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Carmen McClaskey (she/her/hers) – Partner, Trainer

Carmen is a passionate people manager who began her career in the non-profit education sector, working to introduce new technology curriculum into the Los Angeles School District. She then moved to Washington, D.C., and spent seven years in increasingly senior roles with an organization focused on leadership development for high achieving students. She served as Director of Programs for the National Young Leaders Conference and the National Youth Leadership Forums on Law and National Security, shepherding more than 10,000 students through experiential education programming. Most recently, Carmen was the Vice President of Internal Communications for CEB (now Gartner), a research and advisory firm focused on equipping leaders with insights, advice, and tools to achieve their goals. She earned a B.A. in Psychology and B.S. in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin and an M.A. in Communication from Johns Hopkins University. She lives in Arlington, Virginia where she enjoys watching movies, hosting game nights, and playing various recreational sports.

Alex McNeill

Alex Patchin McNeill (he/him/his) – Partner, Coach

Alex is passionate about leading and living from the heart. For over 15 years, he has dedicated his career to working for social equity and coaching others to articulate and act on their vision for a more just world. Prior to joining TMC, Alex served as the executive director of More Light Presbyterians for over eight years. There, he empowered faith leaders to welcome LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC neighbors into worship communities and to advocate for justice in their broader secular communities. Alex has worked to elect LGBTQIA+ leaders, advocated for reproductive justice, and won state, national, and denominational legislation affirming and protecting the rights and dignities of queer and trans people. Before earning a Master’s of Divinity from Harvard University, Alex got his start in LGBTQIA+ and reproductive rights activism as an undergraduate at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Alex is a white, queer, transgender man, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A, and holds a coaching certification through the International Coaching Federation. Alex lives in his hometown of Asheville, North Carolina, where he spends his time kayaking with his dog Spike, hiking in the mountains, and planning adventures with his partner.

Niamoja Morgan

Niamoja Morgan (she/her/hers) – Vice President, Training Operations

Niamoja is passionate about positive peace and creating institutional change. While at university, she helped to create a number of events promoting positive peace, from exhibits on nuclear non-proliferation to conferences on interfaith dialogue. She remains dedicated to creating non-violent social change through direct action to create real world results. She enjoys spending her free time cooking, reading and visiting all the museums the DC area has to offer.


Janet H. Namkung (she/her/hers or they/them/theirs) - Director, Client Support

Janet is an active leader who is passionate about social and restorative justice through capacity-building. Janet began their career in nonprofits advocating for the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community. Janet worked on national issues such as immigration, civic engagement, the census, education, and mental health. Janet previously worked with OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates, Council of Korean Americans, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. They co-founded a creative and mental health nonprofit calledAsians* in Focus, as well as a BIPOC-focused teletherapy company. Janet served as a Commissioner on Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander Community Development, on the Board of Directors of the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership, and as Chair of the DC Chapter of Service Year & AmeriCorps Alums. Janet received a B.A. in Psychology from Ramapo College of New Jersey. Janet is a proud New Yorker, lover of food vacations, and a dedicated mutual aid volunteer. Janet currently lives in D.C. with their partner, Jae, and their 3-legged hamster, Ssamjang.


Sandra Oliver (she/her/hers) - Manager, Client Support


Tamara Osivwemu

Tamara Osivwemu (she/her/hers) – Managing Partner, Trainer

Tamara recognized her passion for social justice and educational equity through her early work with foster youth. After leading school-based programs in Oakland, her drive to effectively serve youth and families strengthened her passion for helping others realize their individual and collective impact. Tamara has led results-oriented teams in a variety of roles at Citizen Schools, a non-profit engaging more than 5,000 students in apprenticeship learning. Most recently, she served as the Director of Diversity and Inclusion, where she led training institutes for new managers and a national working group focused on ensuring equitable practices for all staff. Tamara loves her other roles as wife, mom of two, and adjunct professor with Southeastern University. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and African-American Studies from the University of California, Davis and an M.S. in Educational Leadership from California State University, East Bay.

Chantá Parker

Chantá Parker (she/her/hers) – Partner, Coach

Chantá是一位战略家、倡导者和故事讲述者,她对黑人解放和女性领导力充满热情。在加入管理中心之前,Chant世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球á曾担任底特律社区保卫服务的创始董事总经理,在那里她从零开始管理着50多名员工,为所有员工开发了一项就职培训计划,并培养了一个强大的领导团队。2020年,Chantá因在COVID-19大流行期间领导了迅速发展的公共辩护律师办公室,被评为Crain的底特律40岁以下40人之一。在此之前,Chantá曾担任“清白计划”的新倡议特别检察官,领导该组织对种族在其对外工作和内部运作中的作用进行审查。她有超过15年的诉讼和管理经验,曾在奥尔良公共辩护人协会和布鲁克林的法律援助协会等组织工作。Chantá因其在刑事辩护执业人员的培训、管理和监督方面的专业知识而被国家认可。她是吉迪恩承诺组织和国家公共国防协会执行领导学院的教员。Chantá还担任埃西司法集团的董事会秘书,该集团是一个由被监禁的亲人组成的女性姐妹组织。Chantá是女性媒体中心SheSource专家,2015年城市专业人员理事会会员。Chantá拥有斯佩尔曼学院非裔美国人历史学士学位和纽约大学法学院法学博士学位。 Chantá loves long walks with loved ones, sunshine and soul music.

Avione Pichon

Avione Pichon (she/her/hers) – Partner, Coach

Avione believes that an education is both an elevator and a door. She is a driven leader, coach, parent, former teacher, and attorney who is committed to affecting positive change for the children of our world, and especially in her hometown, New Orleans. Her work most recently includes leading a charter management organization merger as Chief Operating Officer by creating new operating systems, brand identity, and internal culture while preserving the strengths of people and organizational systems on both sides. She also served as Chief External Affairs and Administrative Officer for NOLA Public Schools during the height of the historic return to local control from over a decade of state takeover. Before that Avione, as the External Officer and Managing Director of Strategic Partnerships at Teach For America – New Orleans, overhauled its teacher placement, regional recruitment, and certification functions and was nationally recognized for her innovations there. As an attorney, Avione practiced business litigation, corporate compliance, and founded the education law group at Jones Walker Law Firm, and currently owns a small practice dedicated to helping injured people and small businesses. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from Howard University, an M.S. in Elementary Education from Joseph’s University, and a J.D. from Tulane Law School and serves on the National Advisory Board for Teach For America’s Alumni of Color.

Ashley Pinedo-Carlson

Ashley Pinedo-Carlson (she/her/hers) – Senior Partner, Coach

Ashley combines coaching and training with her leadership and organizing experience to help others unlock their potential to change the world. Before joining The Management Center, Ashley spent eight years training, managing, and organizing in support of President Obama. Starting as a volunteer organizer, she rose through the ranks to serve in various state and national leadership roles. Most recently as National Training Director at Organizing for Action, Ashley built and managed a staff who led national training programs in grassroots and digital organizing, issue advocacy, and other campaign skills — resulting in more than 12,000 organizers trained during her tenure. Ashley lives in Chicago and loves to get outside in any type of weather with her husband, her two kids, and their dog.


Charlie Riebeling (they/them/theirs) – Vice President, Data

Charlie's passion is creating database systems focused on people and outcomes, notjustdata. They believe that data can be a powerful tool to inform policy advocacy for progressive change. Before joining TMC, they worked in the adult education sector in Washington, DC helping schools create data systems to deliver accurate, actionable, and timely insights. When they're not thinking about data, Charlie can be found practicing their woodworking skills, reading a book, or cooking up a tasty dinner. Charlie lives near Washington, DC with their wife & three dogs.

Court Ruark

Court Ruark (she/her/hers) – Chief of Staff

法庭热衷于解决问题和能力建设。作为切罗基族的一名公民,在加入TMC之前,她在部落及其商业部门担任政府关系主任。在那里,她管理着一个10人的团队,他们的工作支持着9000多名员工和32万名公民。在她的领导下,印第安人国家扩大了医疗保健的覆盖面,切罗基族员工获得了全薪产假,该部落首次参与国际事务。在此之前,她是威尔斯通行动的印第安人领导计划的主任,并在国会山为国会女议员贝蒂·麦科勒姆担任立法助理。法庭是美国印第安人机会大使,并被美国印第安人企业发展国家中心指定为40名40岁以下的印第安人之一。她和她的孩子们,Ox和Birdie,狗,Niles和Skittles,还有蛇Selu(这是给她儿子的流行病妥协礼物)住在Chevy Chase。当她不工作的时候,她会玩Peloton,烘焙,或者阅读当代小说。(请向她要一本好书!)柯尔拥有俄克拉何马大学政治学学士学位。

Viridiana Safty

Viridiana Safty (she/her/hers) – Vice President, Client Support

Viridiana began her career in personal finance—she's a numbers person! After several years working in finance, she decided to pursue something close to her heart: social justice—particularly, immigrant rights. Viridiana is a native of Mexico but has called the Washington metropolitan area her home for the past 25 years. A graduate of George Mason University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a concentration in Global Affairs, she focused her studies on the effects of globalization on society. She enjoys spending her free time pretending to be a professional chef in her kitchen, practicing yoga, and hitting the golf course when the weather is nice. She also volunteers as an ESL teacher with the Washington English Center.

Jasmeet Saini

Jasmeet Saini (she/her/hers) – Training Operations Coordinator

Jasmeet is driven to help people and advance their learning experiences to create a lasting impact in social justice. She holds a finance degree from Virginia Tech and started her career in the consulting world supporting organizations, including nonprofits, in streamlining their operations and creating processes to better achieve their goals. Jasmeet has always been passionate about supporting nonprofit organizations, with a special focus on early education initiatives. In her day-to-day work, she enjoys problem-solving and has the ability to organize just about anything. She lives in the Shaw neighborhood of DC, and outside of work she enjoys trying new restaurants, traveling, and dabbling in crochet.

Sumaiya Sarawat

Sumaiya Sarawat (she/her/hers) – Training Operations Manager


Serena Savarirayan

Serena Savarirayan (she/her/hers) – Partner, Coach

Serena is a teacher and coach at heart, and has dedicated her career to improving equity in public schools. Before joining The Management Center, she was an Assistant Superintendent with Uncommon Schools for eight years, managing middle and high schools in Brooklyn and Newark. In this role, she coached instructional leaders and principals to strengthen teacher development and improve student outcomes. Also at Uncommon, Serena was the founding principal of North Star Academy Vailsburg Middle School. She began her career as a classroom teacher, first as a 5th grade teacher in Paterson, NJ and then as a middle school English teacher at Uncommon Newark. She has been an adjunct instructor and Leverage Leadership Coach at Relay Graduate School of Education since 2013. She loves spending time with her family, great food, and pop culture!

Alyssa Schuren

Alyssa Schuren (she/her/hers) – Partner, Coach, Public Sector Head

Alyssa Schuren is a goal-driven leader and manager with nearly twenty years of government and non-profit experience. As a partner with The Management Center, she leads the organization’s public practice – coaching and training elected and appointed government leaders, non-profit executives, and their managers to build and run more effective teams and organizations to achieve results. Alyssa serves clients at the local, state and national levels, working on efforts like improving access to healthcare, mitigating the worst impacts of climate change, reforming the criminal justice system, and addressing the opioid crisis. Her clients have ranged from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to Fair and Just Prosecution to the Seattle Mayor’s Office of Sustainability & Environment. Before joining The Management Center, Alyssa served as Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, and as Senior Advisor to the Vermont State Treasurer. Earlier in her career, she worked in various non-profit leadership positions, including as executive director, organizing director, and development director. In her spare time, Alyssa enjoys live music and good food with friends, making pottery, and exploring new places with her husband and son.

Emma Shaver

Emma Shaver(她/她/她的)-培训运营协调员

Emma holds a Bachelor's degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, with a concentration in directing. She has spent most of her career in the customer service industry, with her longest position as the general manager at a successful bakery in DC. Emma’s work at TMC combines her love of improving client experiences and the ability to create social change. Through opening her own baking business and being promoted to management without training, Emma has seen the challenges of managing without a support system and organizational structure behind you. She is passionate about helping others navigate through that. You can find Emma cooking and baking for friends and family, cozied up with a book, or around her fire pit making a s’more.


Deborah Sherman (she/her/hers) – Vice President of HR and Staff Experience

Deborah Sherman began her career in youth nonprofits and schools in DC. Most recently, Deb worked as the Volunteer Coordinator for the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project, a nonprofit providing trauma-informed, youth play programming at DC’s family homeless shelters. At Playtime Project, Deb grew and diversified the volunteer base, and increased volunteers’ capacity to serve children by building an in-service training program. Before Playtime Project, Deb served as an Americorps member through Avodah: the Jewish Service Corps in DC. During her time with Avodah, Deb worked in the programs department of a law-themed high school, supporting after-school and enrichment programs — including advising the school’s Connections Club for LGTBQIA* students and allies. She continues to volunteer as a mentor at the school. In addition to volunteering, outside of work Deb is committed to building radical and vibrant Jewish communities. She spends her time organizing and training with anti-occupation groups, cooking for potlucks, doing yoga, and biking around DC on her bumper sticker-covered bike.


Amy Sonnie (she/her/hers) – Partner, Content and Communications

Amy is passionate about storytelling and design that amplifies movements for dignity and freedom. She is the author of two acclaimed books on social justice movements:Revolutionary Voices, which introduced a rising generation of LGBTQ youth activism in the United States, andHillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels and Black Power, which explores interracial solidarity and organizing among poor white communities in the 1960s. For more than 20 years, Amy has worked at the intersection of media activism, education equity, and organizational development. As co-founder of the Center for Media Justice with Malkia Cyril and Jen Soriano, Amy helped build a national network to advance media rights among marginalized communities. For the past decade, Amy served as a librarian leading award-winning youth and family programs, while supporting libraries to operationalize racial equity. She earned her MLIS from San Jose State University, and a Dual B.A. in Journalism and Women’s Studies from Syracuse University. She lives in the Bay Area among beloved community, where you can find her dancing, hosting Zoom karaoke, and reading (of course).


凯蒂·斯蒂尔(he/him/his and she/her/hers) – Vice President, Finance


Sarah Storm

Sarah Storm (she/her/hers) – Vice President, Client Support

萨拉是伊努皮亚克的一名教育家,她热衷于支持教师、学校领导和社区为所有K-12学生提供严格的教育和友好的环境。在加入管理中心之前,她在华盛顿世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球特区公立学校中心办公室工作了三年,负责管理校本人事评估系统,并与教师、教学教练和学校领导一起制定学生成就目标。萨拉的教育生涯始于阿肯色州东南部的一名高中数学教师,之后她来到华盛顿特区,与“为美国而教”(Teach for America)一起工作,管理运营和财务,同时还获得了美利坚大学(American University)的课程、教学、政策和领导力硕士学位。萨拉来自西雅图,现在和她的两条狗斯特拉和查理住在华盛顿特区,喜欢花时间救助动物,参加部落间的庆祝活动。

Mattie Weiss

Mattie Weiss (she/her/hers) – Vice President, Trainer

Mattie is a veteran trainer and movement builder from the world of progressive politics, with roles ranging from union organizer to racial justice researcher and writer, ballot initiative campaign director to community muralist, campaign strategist to author. She started writing and training with the League of Pissed Off Voters, where she co-authored How to Get Stupid White Men Out of Office. She served as the Director of Training Programs at Wellstone Action, and the National Director of Organizing and Training at Educators for Excellence. Mattie has lived and traveled all over the world and is trilingual (English, Portuguese and Spanish). Mattie lives in Minneapolis with her partner and two sons. She loves to paint, and is part of Poligraphix, a crew of political graphic artists in the Twin Cities.

Monna Wong (she/her/hers) – Chief Content Officer

Monna is an organizer and facilitator who loves to synthesize, problem-solve, and build kick-ass team culture. She has led teams in Ohio, Maryland, and Maine to win LGBTQ non-discrimination and same-sex marriage, most notably as the Portland Regional Field Director of the Mainers United for Marriage campaign. She also served as the Executive Director of APIENC (API Equality - Northern California), where she developed programs to train and mentor LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander organizers and exponentially grew the organization's grassroots donor base. Most recently, Monna supported leaders of API social justice organizations in fundraising, strategic planning, and program management as the coordinator of the Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality network. She is currently on the Advisory Council of the Asian Prisoners Support Committee. Monna loves dance, experimentation, and talking about money.

Breanna Wright

Breanna Wright (she/her/hers) – Vice President, Talent

Breanna Wright loves woo-ing talent to serve for organizations that advance social change and works tirelessly to ensure an organization's staff reflect the diversity of the US. She kicked off her career as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ethiopia and for the past nine years, Breanna Wright has supported international and domestic development programs in a number of roles. Her experience includes recruiting future global leaders as a Recruiter at the Peace Corps headquarters and searching for the right talent for US government programs at several nonprofit organizations. Originally from Oakland/Bay Area, Breanna holds her BS in Business Administration from the University of California, Riverside and her MS in Development Management from American University. When she’s not working hard, she enjoys singing her heart out in front of the mirror with a brush as her microphone ("Can We Talk" by Tevin Campbell is her song of choice).

Justine Xu

Justine Xu (they/them/theirs or she/her/hers) – Content Director, Trainer

Justine embraces grassroots organizing, coalition building, intergenerational relationship-building, and community healing. Justine has years of political organizing, facilitation, fundraising, and philanthropy experience, particularly with queer and trans Asian American community organizations in the Bay Area. They have also worked with feminist nonprofits in Boston and Hong Kong and collaborated with activists across movement spaces in Taiwan. As a graduate of Yale University, Justine majored in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a concentration in race and ethnicity. Most recently, Justine is interested in healing our people through connection to land, ancestors, body, and art, while building transnational solidarity across the Asian diaspora.

in residence

In addition to lending us their talents, our “in residence” team members also have professional lives outside of The Management Center.

Bex Ahuja

Bex Ahuja (they/them/theirs)

Bex在竞选、社区组织、实地战略、筹款和管理方面培训了4000多人,并在全美17场赢得立法和投票的竞选活动中担任领导角色。在全国LGBTQ特别工作组(National LGBTQ Task Force)工作的9年里,Bex通过指导和与基层领导人并肩工作,帮助各组织提高权力和影响力。2022年世界杯名额Bex还与社会正义领袖合作,帮助他们提高以种族平等和包容的视角进行管理的能力。2002年,在纽约州立大学石溪分校学习应用统计和机械工程专业的贝克斯与NYPIRG一起开始了组织活动。在不训练的时候,你会发现Bex在纽约布鲁克林和其他有色人种的酷儿和变性人一起做美味的食物。

Cheyenne E. Batista

Cheyenne E. Batista (she/her/hers)

Cheyenne is the Founder & CEO of Firefly Worldwide Inc., a global education consulting practice that supports leaders in the education, non-profit, and corporate sectors. She previously served as Founding Superintendent, Managing Director of a Pre-K to 12th grade community-based school network called East Harlem Scholars Academies in New York City. She initially served as Founding School Principal and later oversaw the network’s expansion while managing the growing team of principals and central staff serving more than 1000 students. She previously taught in the New York City public school system and at the American School of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil. She led as a Program Manager at Teach For America and later managed complex product deliveries at Grow Network/McGraw-Hill, an assessment data reporting company. Cheyenne is currently pursuing an EdD in Education Policy and Leadership at American University School of Education. She has a B.A. in Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an Ed.M in Education Policy and Management from Harvard Graduate School of Education. Cheyenne is a trilingual dog lover and foodie who loves chasing sunsets worldwide on a dirt bike or motorcycle whenever she can.

Emily Bauer

Emily Bauer (she/her/hers)

Emily is passionate about building structures that keep active nonprofits organized and functioning smoothly. She is committed to supporting organizations that advance equity by providing a decade of experience in financial review and services. She has worked nationally and internationally connecting global populations with local advocates. In her free time she likes painting, cinema, and visual arts.

Megan Bellamy

Megan Bellamy (she/her/hers)


Meredith Bliss

Meredith Bliss (she/her/hers)

Meredith has spent nearly two decades working to build capacity in education and nonprofit settings. She began her career as a classroom teacher, and has since worked in various nonprofit settings as a team leader, manager, and coach. Meredith spent ten years on staff at Teach For America in various program and human capital roles on both national and regional teams. Most recently, as Vice President of People, Leadership & Learning, she focused on talent recruitment and hiring, onboarding, performance management, coaching, and professional development for staff. She previously worked at New Leaders, helping to ensure first-rate training for urban school leaders. Meredith holds an A.B. from Dartmouth College and a master’s degree in Policy, Organization and Leadership Studies from Stanford University. After a decade in San Francisco, Meredith and her family moved north to the woods of Oregon, where she’s an active member of her small-town community. Meredith sits on several nonprofit boards ranging from the farmers market to her local Boys & Girls Club, and she recently ran for and won a seat on the county Education Service District board. You can usually find her chasing her three small children, cooking, and listening to John Denver or Broadway musicals.

Etienne Bowie

Etienne Bowie (he/him/his)

Etienne has worked in for-profit and nonprofit sectors as an accountant, analyst, and business operations manager. From working with startups to consulting and accounting firms to think tanks, he's developed an understanding of several different business models and industries. Etienne has a master's in international business and trade from the University of California, Hastings, and a bachelor's in business economics and finance from California State University, East Bay. Etienne is currently working on developing his skills in data analytics and business intelligence while further developing his accounting experience. He loves to cook, go on walks, and spend time with his family.

Jennifer Epps-Addison

Jennifer Epps-Addison (she/her/hers)

法学博士Jennifer Epps-Addison在过去的25年里领导了以正义为中心的运动和组织。她的工作植根于社区组织、培育制胜策略、推进制度变革运动,以改变我们的世界,并创造我们所有人都能自由发展的条件。Jennifer是Synergy Power Consulting的创始人和首席想象师,这是一家致力于支持下一代社会变革领导者的教练合作咨询公司。在创立Synergy Power Consulting之前,Jennifer曾担任大众民主和CPD行动中心的总统和联合执行主任,这是一个价值3000多万美元的基层权力建设组织的全国网络,在全国34个州有100多名员工工作。Jennifer是选票倡议战略中心、联合争取尊重、成为英雄基金、Re:Power、Step Up Louisiana和Forge(一个致力于组织战略和实践的在线期刊)的董事会成员。她还是行动实验室(Action Lab)的顾问委员会成员,这是一个运动撤退和领导力发展中心。她致力于支持和发展种族正义组织,特别是黑人领导的组织,加强对BIPOC社区权力建设工作的投资,深化与白人工人阶级建立权力的组织战略,通过正面解决种族主义和基于共同利益和共同价值观建立真正的联盟。詹妮弗现居加州洛杉矶。

Brandy Fluker-Oakley

Brandy Fluker-Oakley (she/her/hers)

布兰迪对社会正义有着长期的热情,并在三年级组织了她的第一次抗议。布兰迪从不安于现状,她一直致力于倡导教育公平。Brandy喜欢管理和发展蒸蒸日上的团队,以确保每个人都能发挥最大的潜力,并获得最大的影响。她最近担任波士顿卓越教育组织的执行董事,该组织将教育工作者的声音带到政策桌上。布兰迪拥有雪城大学麦克斯韦学院的社会工作学位和政策学位,约翰霍普金斯大学的教育硕士学位和埃默里大学的法律学位。她是上帝喜乐事工(digg)的创始人和主席,活跃在她的社区,是她教堂的忠实成员,执业律师,Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated的活跃成员。布兰迪也是一个热情的吃货和旅行者!

Becca Guerra

Becca Guerra (she/her/ella)

For over 15 years, Becca Guerra has worked in the progressive ecosystem as a strategic operative with a passion for excellence, an eye for detail, and a talent for execution. She most recently served as the Director of the New American Majority Fund at the Democracy Alliance, where she oversaw the fundraising and direct grantmaking to 44 grantees across 21 states. During her tenure, the Fund grew from distributing approximately $2 million annually to distributing $8 million in a mere 8 months in 2020. Prior to joining the NAM Fund, Becca was part of the team at Civitas Public Affairs Group, working with clients on a range of issues, notably: women of color power-building with a focus on the 2020 Democratic primary; and reproductive health, rights, and justice. Previously, Becca served as the Executive Director of the Florida 501(c)(3) Civic Engagement Table, Florida’s affiliate of State Voices, and has served in other roles at ProGeorgia, America Votes Florida, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Democratic parties of New Mexico and Florida. She is currently based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Michelle Hallerdin

Michelle Hallerdin (she/her/hers)

Michelle founded Elpis Consulting out of her belief that when strong leadership, great people practices, and clear strategy come together, organizations can achieve amazing results. Prior to founding Elpis (which means “hope” in Greek!), Michelle served as Chief Talent Officer at New Leaders, and has held a number of executive positions throughout her career, including time spent as Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness and Vice President Strategic Planning and Finance at a Fortune 200 company. All told, Michelle has over 20 years of experience in consulting, strategy, planning, and finance, and she now works everyday to help mission-driven organizations increase their impact.

Emily Hicks-Rotella

Emily Hicks-Rotella (they/them/theirs)

Emily is the founder ofMake Tech Work For You这是一家为非营利组织和使命驱动型组织提供数据和技术咨询的公司。Emily拥有超过10年的工作经验,为各种类型和规模的组织提供数据和技术文化和战略支持。作为这项工作的一部分,Emily支持员工学习、使用和热爱他们的数据和技术,为需要额外技术知识和技能的团队和组织增加能力,并使用独特的人性化和非技术方法来发展和支持一种文化,使员工和组织能够成功地利用数据和技术实现其使命和影响。艾米丽和妻子以及两个年幼的孩子住在纽约布朗克斯区,当他们不完全是一个数据和技术宅时,他们要么在外面唱歌、滑雪、阅读,要么去纹身。

Eliza Leighton

Eliza Leighton (she/her/hers)

伊莉莎是一名社会企业家,拥有丰富的管理、战略规划和筹款经验,在设计、执行和维持有效的创造性项目方面有着良好的记录。她最近担任the Family Room的首席执行官和联合创始人,这是一款应用程序,可以在距离较远的情况下将儿童和他们的亲人联系起来。在创立The Family Room之前,她曾在CASA de Maryland担任多个职位,包括兰利公园承诺社区主任和战略倡议主任,以及Stand for Children的联合创始人和前副主任。她在耶鲁法学院获得法学博士学位,在卫斯理大学获得文学士学位。

Naomi Long

Naomi Long (she/her/hers)

Naomi是Three Point Strategies的合伙人,这是一家选举公正公司,利用选举策略、社会公正和社区组织之间的交叉点。她是国内首屈一指的促进和领导培训师之一。她有20年的经验,涉及美国黑人面临的一些最关键的司法问题,包括废除监狱、结束毒品战争和建立黑人独立的政治权力。她曾在司法政策研究所、毒品政策联盟、终结艾滋病运动、韦尔斯通行动等机构担任领导职务,最近还在管理中心担任合作伙伴,在那里她设计了备受欢迎的黑人、土著和有色人种(BIPOC)队列培训,以增强非营利组织员工的能力。世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球娜奥米还作为“变革培训”的核心培训师,设计课程并指导BIPOC的下一代组织者。她是指导各种类型的人的大师——那些认为2022年世界杯名额障碍不大的人,以及那些筋疲力尽、厌倦了的人。娜奥米成功的秘诀是在玩乐和力量建设之间取得平衡。她是一位直觉非常敏锐的老师,拥有独特的能力,能引起复杂的局面,欢迎冲突,并在混乱中保持冷静。


JK Nelson (he/him/his)

JK·纳尔逊(JK Nelson)在多个领域担任经理,拥有广泛而深厚的经验,包括选举(二十多个州立法和国会竞选活动的现场主管,以及纽约州总统候选人的副财务总监)、高绩效非营利组织、劳工组织和教育倡导领域的副总裁。在他的组织生涯中,JK帮助动员了超过500万人。他的管理实践正在经受过去、现在和未来许多错误的考验。JK的管理经验包括从零开始建立团队,继承团队,管理复杂的组织变革,管理层次,管理雄心勃勃的/鼓舞人心的目标,以及管理重大的组织文化转变。此外,JK还在不同的组织结构中进行管理,包括层次结构和矩阵公式以及两者之间的一切。JK的训练以高能量、透明和真诚的幽默尝试为特点。他非常务实,他致力于为参与者提供管理最佳实践,这些实践可以让他们在清晨学习,并在上午晚些时候实施(如果他们没有参加JK的培训)。JK致力于看到每个经理充分发挥他们的领导潜力。JK在范德比尔特大学获得本科学位,在哈佛神学院获得硕士学位。

Kimberly Osagie

Kimberly Osagie (she/her/hers)

金伯利·e·奥萨吉博士是一位来自尼日利亚的妇女,她对路易斯安那州怀有善意,同时又有纽约的一面。她目前是“绿色呼应”项目的副总裁。在这个职位上,她支持全球1000多名社会创新者,通过管理通过校友参与选择的Fellow经验的策略、设计和实施,以及5000万美元以上种族平等慈善基金的创新和倡议。金伯利曾担任Promise54多元化、包容和公平人才战略的创始合伙人。在那里,金伯利管理业务发展,组建咨询团队,为100万美元的组织提供支持,以设计和实施更具包容性的系统。金伯利的职业生涯始于哈莱姆区,她是一名中学英语教师,帮助建立了民主预备特许高中和接力教育研究生院。在接力学院,金伯利作为创始副院长启动了该组织与纽约教学研究员的合作关系,并将其扩大了两倍。离开Relay后,金伯利通过在沃尔顿家族基金会(Walton Family Foundation)的博士学习、资助和包容性人才系统设计,以及在Curriculum Associates的大规模高管领导力和包容性战略设计,深化了自己的领导力和情境专长。金伯利在哈佛大学获得教育领导学博士学位,在佩斯大学获得教育学硕士学位,在弗吉尼亚大学获得英语和政治社会思想学士学位。在哈林区生活了十年之后,金伯利现在住在华盛顿特区,她的室内植物收藏受到流行病的影响,越来越多。

Andrea headshot

Andrea Pursley (she/her/hers)

Andrea培训了数千名学校领导、系统领导和其他教育资产经理。她的职业生涯始于菲尼克斯的一名六年级教师,在那里,她的学生们对梦想的勇气和面对挑战时的非凡毅力激励了她。从那时起,Andrea领导和管理大型多元化团队,并担任多个高级职位。在“为美国而教”(Teach For America),作为执行董事,她将凤凰城地区的规模扩大了两倍多,之后又管理着德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州的执行董事。2010年,安德里亚担任桑福德教育项目的创始执行董事,这是一个嵌入亚利桑那州立大学教育学院的创新伙伴关系。2016年,她带领团队举办了有1.5万人参加的“为美国而教”25周年峰会。如今,Andrea通过管理中心的培训和独立指导继续投资于领导者。世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球2022年世界杯名额她和丈夫布莱恩、三个孩子埃迪、鲁比、约翰尼以及几只鸡住在落基山脉。

Kelley Robinson

Kelley Robinson (she/her/hers)

Kelley has organized and pursued social justice initiatives throughout her career, with special attention to protecting the rights of young people and communities of color. She currently serves as the Deputy National Organizing Director at Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), where she drives the strategy around movement building and leadership development for the organization. Before that, Kelley was the Assistant Director for Youth Organizing at PPFA, leading the national youth and campus organizing program. She also worked on President Obama’s 2008 campaign, as a researcher in the area of disaster studies, for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, and as a reproductive justice advocate and national organizer for URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (formerly Choice USA). She also serves as the Board Chair of SisterSong, the largest national women of color reproductive justice collective and on the board of the Bus Federation Action Fund. Kelley received her bachelors degree in Sociology and Women’s & Gender Studies from the University of Missouri.

Ebony Ross

Ebony Ross (she/her/hers)

Ebony Ross is a capacity builder who partners with social justice leaders, organizers, and movement builders to provide thought partnership, leadership development, and organizational development strategies that connect heart, vision, and strategy. She has spent two decades working collaboratively to support and build beloved communities that address gender and racial inequities and health disparities, while also creating and facilitating communities of practice, fellowships, and cohorts that provide learning resources, strategies for resilience, love, and connection. As an experienced coach, consultant, results-driven leader, trainer and organizational strategist; Ebony has extensive experience with facilitating and leading large-scale human capital initiatives, creating and implementing year-long fellowships and cohorts, and leading collective impact and community mobilization initiatives in birth and reproductive justice. Ebony developed her love for leadership development and capacity building while serving as the Senior Program Strategist with Rockwood Leadership Institute; Director of Human Resources with Higher Achievement; Associate Director of Adolescent Sexual Health with Advocates for Youth; and Capacity Building Associate with Fair Chance. Ebony has a master's degree in psychology from North Carolina Central University and a bachelor's degree in psychology from Hampton University. She brings warmth and a decisive nature to her work of creating a world of equity and opportunity for everyone, loves to cook delicious food for the people that she loves, secretly thinks that she should be a backup dancer for Janet Jackson and loves to go on hikes with her two dogs.

Melinda Spooner

Melinda Spooner (she/her/hers)

梅琳达职业生涯的大部分时间都在致力于为全国各地得不到充分教育的学生改善教育机会。她的职业生涯开始于在亚特兰大经营辅导中心,并曾在芝加哥公立学校和成就网络(ANet)担任领导职务。梅琳达曾短暂地离开教育行业,在凯洛格管理学院(the Kellogg School of Management)获得MBA学位,并在麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Co.)担任管理顾问。在过去十年中,梅琳达一直将自己对组织管理和教育公平的职业热情结合在一起,最近担任了ANet的首席人才与公平官。在ANet,她的团队实施了积极的反种族主义学习议程和反种族主义组织政策,以改变有色人种工作人员的经验,并改善为有色人种学生提供的课程。梅琳达目前正在开展一项业务,为有色人种女性提供冒险旅行服务。

Sujata Tejwani

Sujata Tejwani (she/her/hers)

Sujata Strategies的创始人兼总裁Sujata是进步运动的著名领袖。苏雅塔已经培训了一万多名候选人、员工和领导者,她还为成长为领导角色的进步人士提供建议和指导,特别关注那些来自有色人种社区并在那里工作的人。她专注于通过战略咨询、培训、指导和项目实施来支持以种族公正和平等为中心的组织和领导人。2022年世界杯名额她曾在2021年担任新乔治亚项目的竞选总监,2018年担任斯泰西·艾布拉姆斯的协调竞选总监,2016年民主党全国大会副幕僚长,威尔斯通行动的政治领导项目主任(现在是:权力),艾米丽名单的竞选顾问,以及俄亥俄州民主党的高级选举顾问。她曾担任进步倡导资助者的捐赠顾问,包括开放社会基金会、大西洋慈善基金会和走廊伙伴组织。

Shannon Wheatley

Shannon Wheatley (he/him/his)

Shannon is passionate about cultivating leaders and teams working to make the world a more equitable and just place. He is the Chief Academic Officer at Lighthouse Community Public Schools, an Expeditionary Learning School in Deep East Oakland. Before joining Lighthouse, Shannon served as the Chief of Schools of a charter network in Sacramento and as the Vice President of Collaborative Teaching and Innovation for Teach For America’s national team. He was a founding principal of a college preparatory high school in Houston and started his career in education as a Teach For America Corps Member in the Rio Grande Valley. Wheatley holds a B.A. from The University of Tennessee and earned an M.Ed. in Education Leadership from National Louis University. Shannon loves jazz, USA Track & Field, and walking around Lake Merritt with his partner and two children.


Jerry Hauser

Jerry Hauser

作为管理中心的创始CEO,杰里将他的两种激情结世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球合在一起,一是推动社会变革,二是创建有效的组织,实现他们设定的目标。在过去的15年里,杰里把管理中心从一个由捐赠者资助、世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球只有两个人的初创公司(第一年就有10个客户),发展成为一个每年为400家机构和1.5万多人提供服务的首选资源,拥有50个多种族团队,收入基础多样化,超过1000万美元。杰里毕业于麦肯锡公司(McKinsey &世界杯巴西vs塞尔维亚滚球 Company),在加入管理中心之前,他曾在多个非营利组织担任领导职务。在“为美国而教”(Teach For America),他担任了七年的二把手,帮助该组织大幅扩大了规模和影响,在他任职期间,该项目的申请人数和资金都增长了五倍多。Before graduating from Yale Law School, where he was active in legal clinics and a senior editor of theYale Law Journal杰里在加州康普顿教高中数学和美国历史。He has written and spoken extensively on nonprofit management and leadership, is the coauthor of the bookManaging to Change the World, has served on numerous nonprofit boards, and currently runs his own advising and executive coaching practice for senior public sector leaders. In his spare time Jerry is a passionate, if mediocre, pick-up soccer player.

Peter Lewis

Peter B. Lewis

Peter B. Lewis served as Progressive Corporation’s CEO from 1965 to 2000 and its non-executive Chairman from 2000 until his death in 2013. As CEO, Mr. Lewis grew Progressive from a small, specialized insurance company with $6 million in revenues and 100 employees into the nation’s fourth largest auto insurer, with 27,000 employees and annual sales of $17 billion. Through his philanthropy, Lewis invested in people with purposes he shared and the management ability to achieve those purposes. Lewis served on the Board of his alma mater, Princeton University and was its largest-ever contributor. He believed deeply in the value of individual freedom and worked to foster governmental and social change. He supported the American Civil Liberties Union and helped finance the beginnings of The Management Center, America Coming Together,, Media Matters and the Center for American Progress. Lewis was the father of three and grandfather of five.